Bay-Lynx & BSA – a concrete partnership

Bay-Lynx and BSA – a concrete partnership…

BAY-Lynx has always been committed to promoting the importance of transport safety, and it was with this in mind, that the company decided to become a member of the Batched on Site Association (BSA).

Established in 2007, the Batched on Site Association (BSA) was formed to represent the interests of operators of mobile batching plants (MBPs). The primary reason for its formation was in response to authorities trying to secure convictions against the sector for operating vehicles over 32 tonnes. The sector successfully launched a legal challenge against these convictions and the law was subsequently changed.

The BSA continues to represent the industry and works to promote high industry standards and also to keep members up to date with all the latest information from within the UK’s MBP sector.

Bay-Lynx UK is an active member of the BSA and the two organisations work closely together to raise awareness of the need for high safety standards in the industry.

Jared Dunbar is the co-ordinator of the BSA in the UK and he feels the organisation has a vital role to play in the industry. “Collectively the BSA has a stronger voice than any single operator would have and we have been able to have meetings with a number of ministers, the DfT and a number of traffic commissioners. This has enabled us to shape the outcome of legislative changes.”

The BSA also has an important job to do within the industry in promoting the importance of road safety and to this end, the organisation introduced the BSA Charter (or Declaration of Adherence) for its members to sign up to.

Jared explains: “The intention of the Charter is to drive safety standards up within the industry and introduce good practice.”

Bay-Lynx UK has signed up to the charter and continues to do its bit in making sure safety is a top priority. Bay-Lynx’s Mark Reeve is a member of the BSA committee and according to Jared is an invaluable member of the team, saying “Mark is in constant communication, providing important information on the sector and offering suggestions of ways we can take steps to try to improve the sector’s interests.”

Other professional associations Bay-Lynx is affiliated to include the AWS, CWB, NRMCA and the VMMB, all of which help to put the business on the map in the UK and globally, and give customers complete peace of mind that their business is in the hands of true professionals.

For more information on how Bay-Lynx UK can meet all your concrete needs, contact For more details on Batched on Site visit