The Ultralite Plus Live Demo Tour Has Begun

Due to a major change in the operation and specification of volumetric mixers in the UK, the Bay-Lynx team worked relentlessly on providing a mixer that will be able to meet these changes. The major challenge was to reduce the overall weight. Known as project ULP-300, the new Ultralite Plus is the first all-aluminum volumetric mixer on the market. And now with the BatchPro Connect mobile app and dispatch software, it is also the most advanced.

The engineering team at Bay-Lynx knew that they met their goals on paper, but would their data transfer to the physical build? Not only did Bay-Lynx meet their goal, they exceeded it! Bay-Lynx’s goal was to have a mixer that could carry enough material to deliver eight cubic metres of concrete whilst staying within 32,000kg weight limit as well as meeting the legal axle regulations. Bay-Lynx was thrilled to see the initial test meet their goals and successfully and legally deliver over eight cubic metres. Now that Bay-Lynx was confident in their build, it was time to prove it to the customers.

Bay-Lynx announced the live demo tour in early October of 2019. Just over two weeks later, the demos commenced. The new Ultralite Plus travelled all over the UK, stopping in locations such as North Yorkshire, Henley-on-Thames and Derbyshire. The response was outstanding! Not only were concrete operators impressed with the new look, but also the ease of operation, ease of calibration using the mobile app and the autodosing of water and admixtures that maintained the consistency and the quality of the concrete.

The tour has only just begun. The team is lined up with demos all the way through December. Customers are lined up to see what was thought would be too difficult to achieve.

Bay-Lynx listened to what customers wanted. They wanted to be able to carry a payload that can deliver eight cubic meters of concrete no matter the mix design. They wanted a machine that was easy to use and easy to calibrate. They wanted a quality product and a package that has not compromised on the specification of the truck and the ability to meet day to day operational needs and challenges.

Bay-Lynx has Delivered.

If you want to see the new era of Volumetric Mixers, contact the Bay-Lynx sales team for a demo today!